Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Walk With Me

I always thought that no one should judge anyone unless you are walking in their shoes. Whether it be Jordans, Uggs, LA Gear, or Manolo Blahnik. Some people talk trash and judge other people as if they walk around bare footed because they don't have to worry about rocks, glass, or needles being stuck inside of their foot. They are wrong. Dead wrong. I dont care how much money you make, how big your house is, how expensive your clothes are, or how thick your wallet. I dont care how many times a day you update your status with "I love my life" or "I'm getting money no worries" on your facebook, twitter, myspace, or whatever. You wear shoes with thick soles from walking through B.S, mud, grime, grit, stepping over snakes, getting attacked by snakes. Just stop fronting. Stop trying to pretend like you have always been ok, and stop parading around a "Oh that sucks for you" attitude at the next guy or girl who are struggling with finance, homelessness, backstabbing, abuse, child welfare, and the list can go on and on and on. Because if I was take off these pumps and put on your shoes, I would probably walk through some mess that would cause me to lose my mind. Or years of therapy. So let's all stop fixing our mouth to talk about the next guy who is doing way worse than you are right now. There was a time when you was doing worse than he was at a time in the past.
  Which explains my blog "Walk in my Pumps". It seems like a lot of people like to talk about what Ms.Monroe should, could, would, have not done with her life. A lot of people dont know who I know, so a lot of stuff get back to me in the most weirdest way. Don't get me wrong, I never cared what a person thought of me, however I do like to set the record straight. So take my hand. We will take a walk.

1 comment:

  1. Chuuch! I'm feeling this & I hope you stick with it. Don't be like me & my blog. *rolls eyes & smh*
