Friends. That word alone makes me shudder and makes me want to be suspicious of people who wants to be my friend. Some people want to be your friend just to get in deep to hurt you, take something from you, or try to get what you got. So many so called friends I have had has stabbed me in the back countless times because of jealousy. Jealous over the most pettiest crap. It is sickening how people will do you. Which is why I started staying one step ahead of the game. You cross me once, you will cross me again, no questions asked. I know so. When your friend cross you, in the back of your mind it is time to turn that friend into a foe, an enemy. Keep them out of your circle, your life. I had a friend once, I was always looking out for. Hell I have had several friends I have looked out for and we are not friends anymore. But I let this particular person into my home. See, this person didnt have anything, their parents didnt want them living with them nor did their so called friends even want them in their presence if they didnt have money to give them. But of course soft hearted caring me let them into my home for almost two years. In the midst of those two years they lost their job, and I had to foot the bills because they had no place to stay if I was to kick them out. Then they finally found a great job, and told me that they were giving me thirty day notice to vacate, ok that's fine. They moved out in two weeks and didnt give me no notice, I didnt even know until a mutual friend of ours told me. They moved out early so they wouldnt have to pay the rent for that month, I let it go.
After they left, leaving me with a 600.00 electric bill, I fell into some hard times and to keep a long story short I was out on my ass. Literally. I called this person and asked if I could spend one night at their house to get my thoughts together on the next step, and they told me no and hung up on me. This is not the only "friend" I have looked out for that has slammed a door or a phone in my face. Several people. And those same people started pouring back in my life when things started looking up a tiny bit. To tell you the truth Jesus is my only friend. And the only friend I need.
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