Thursday, September 2, 2010

Revenge (It is not best served cold)

I have always been a nice and sweet person, even before I gave my life to Christ, but I have always had a vengeful side of me. If you do something to me to try to hurt me or something I dearly love, I would get you right back. I'm not talking about destroying property, beating the crap out of you, or spreading a viscious rumor. I'm talking about destroying something you need, something you hold dear to you, or something you really care for. I never was the type of person to go around plotting revenge on jealous women over frivolous things like men. C'mon that is just petty, but if you try to ruin my good name, shame me, or take something that belongs to me. I always quickly had a plan to avenge what you did to me.
 There was this chick I used to work with on base, and right off the bat she didn't like me. To this day I dont know why she didnt like me, or did what she did, but that was her problem not mine. I was dating a guy who was in the Navy. Who decides to lie to me and hook up with this chic, which I didnt care, if he likes chickenheads that was his business. But the thing that really pissed me off was that he told her things about me that only I told him in confidence and trust. I thought  me and him were friends but silly me. To make a long story short she made a mockery out of my personal business. It wasn't the fact that she slept around with someone I was dating, she could have his sorry behind. It was the fact at that time that she put poison on my name.
 So I did something I am not proud of, and I feel bad about it to this very day. I logged into a cash register using her social security number, that I happend to come across, and I gave away free movie tickets, popcorn, unauthorized discounts, I skimmed some money out of the cash register. I had to have stolen about a thousand dollars in cash and products alone out of the register under her social.
 Well, the next day, the day before Thanksgiving, she got fired first thing in the morning. She didn't understand why she was getting fired, she was crying and pleading and telling them she didnt do it. I feel awful and I have prayed for forgiveness. The moral of this walk is that vengence only makes you feel worse after you do it. Because when I really look at the situation I didn't have to do that to her.


  1. Wow, that is real serious. But I have to say I did something long time ago I'm not proud of either. But we grow and learn now, we could have done things better.

  2. Wow, interesting. I have done something long time ago that i'm not proud of either. But now we learned that back then we could have handled things better. We've grown, embrace it.
