As the new year approaches I have decided to leave old beefs, relationship hang ups, broken hearts, ex best friends, and anger behind. I don't do New Year's Resolutions because I never keep up with them, so I know I am for real when I say I have to start fresh and anew on a positive note. I decided to write five people who have affected my life. Whether in a good way or a bad way, and they cross my mind several times a day. I want these people to know how I feel about them, how they affected me, and that I do not want them to respond to my letters. All but one letter will be sent via email, because I express myself very strongly on paper and I want this person to know how I truly feel and how strong they have effected me. When you are angry with a person, I mean really truly angry and you have yet to tell this person how you feel, this anger can build up like a volcano.
Writing is the best source of expressing your feelings of anger because you can write whatever you want to write about and not have to worry about anyone hearing you, anyone judging you or anyone repeating what you have to say. If the person is still alive, you can send them the letter with no return address attached so that this person that has made you angry can know how you feel, without you worrying about this person writing you back or trying to find you.
If this person is deceased, write the letter anyway and bury it in your garden, your backyard, or burn it. Because when that letter burns, or when you bury that letter your anger is gone with it and you can move on. I have been so angry at different people and I let it run my life, for a long time. Because I could not reach out to these people, I became consumed with anger, taking it out on the wrong people. I decided that I will not take this anger for this particular person into not just the New Year, but it stops for the rest of my life.
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