Thursday, October 21, 2010

My research on Everest College (A Total Rip Off)

A lot of people on and off social networking sites are always cracking jokes about Everest College. I thought it was because of the guy on the commercial screaming at couch potatoes to get off of their asses and do something with their lives, making it seem as if it was as easy as 123, to go to class and get an education and a gauranteed job in as little as six months. Not to mention the youtube covers comedians were doing to make fun of these commercials. But when two people I was aquainted with decided to become students of Everest, I decided to do a little research of my own.
  I called a admissions counselor at Everest College to get more information on how the degree program works, and what programs were available. I was told the programs they offered were Massage Therapy, Business Accounting, and  Medical Assistant. I picked Business Accounting and made an appointment to meet with them  later on that week. I wrote down a series of questions to ask the counselor, about the accreditation of the school, and how gauranteed it would be that I would have a job upon graduation.
  Well I learned a heck of a lot that day that I spoke with the counselor, and no, it was not satisfying information. The school was not accreditted, so you would be wasting your time sitting in a classroom learning for nothing. You might as well be a classroom auditor. The students do not earn degrees, certifications, or licenses at all. The only thing you get when you are finished is a diploma stating that you went to Everest College.
  You don't even have to be a high school graduate to become a student at Everest, which brought me  to the point of asking the counselor a very important question. If you have a student that does not have a high school education, how can you gaurantee them a job in the field of nursing, better yet, an accounting job where they will be handling money?
  Of course the counselor did not have an answer to that question, and quickly changed the subject to taking me on a tour of the college, which I must say, was not very impressive. Not only did they not have proper equipment for the nursing students, but they did not have proper text books as well. Textbooks were included when you paid for tuition. I skimmed through one of the accounting books and there were missing pages, as well as markings all through it that had nothing to do with accounting, or Everest period.
 When it came time to discuss the costs for attending this college, I was led to the Financial Aid office, where I was informed that it would be ten thousand dollars to attend. I was completely floored by this amount, and totally appalled. They then said that they had loans, and financial aid that I may be elgible for. I told them I would need sometime to think about this, and took the financial aid package home.
  These people are charging students ten thousand dollars, to attend a school who can not grant you a degree let alone proper equipment for hands on learning. It saddened me, that there are organizations take advantage of people who do want to get out there and get a career, but is afraid of the long road ahead. So rip offs like this make them think there is a easy way out.

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